Many of you may not know this, but for a brief while, I worked as the Production Assistant for New Belgium Brewing Company in Fort Collins, Colorado. I was thrilled when their beers crossed the mighty Mississippi and entered the North Carolina market a couple of years back. As time passes, more and more of their beers are making their way to Asheville and here is one of my favorite from their Lips of Faith series: Belgian Style Blonde Ale!
This is a strong golden ale, light in color, with moderate body and a crisp finish. A traditional Belgian yeast strain produces banana and clove notes on the nose. It's terribly inviting and approachable with a decidedly adult 8.5% alcohol content! Tasting it reminds me of a creamy, smooth, Russian River chardonnay! A great food beer!
We have a few sample bottles open today - come on down and get you a taste!